Albury High School

Ad Astra Per Aspera - To the Stars Through Troubled Ways

Student Representative Council

The role of the Student Representative Council (SRC) in the school is to act in the interest of the Albury High School student body, and ultimately to provide a voice for the students. Through a rigid election process, the student body selects 27 students to represent them and their ideas on how to make the school a better place to be.

Under the leadership of Ms Lisa Higham, the SRC strives to represent the student body, through decision making, communication and by this, instills, into the elected students, both leadership and citizenship.

The 2016/17 SRC have implemented the Constitutional changes as voted by the previous Council, reinstating the Executive Board with a President, a Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  This allows the number of student representatives to increase and made the decision-making protocol a lot more open, fluid and comprehensive, as well as giving the Council a leadership group and experience in working with an Executive Board.

The Executive Board of the Student Representative Council 2016/17 is:

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer
Emma Hooppell Claire MacDonald Rachel Habermann &
Jessica Hamilton
Ryan Agnew &
Campbell Westmoreland




This year's SRC is made up of 27 students, with 5 student representatives from Years 8, 9 and 10, and 6 student representatives from Years 11 and 12.

Year 8 Representatives

Year 9 Representatives
Louis Denton
William Dominguez
Ruby Donlen
Alesha Mackinnon
Ethan Ryan
Sarsha Smith

Year 10 Representatives
Jamieson Ayton
Jessica Hamilton
Alex Howard
Johanna Ratnik

Year 11 Representatives
Ryan Agnew
Rachel Habermann
Claire MacDonald
Samantha Mackinnon
Campbell Westmoreland
Luke Wilson

Year 12 Representatives
Paige Duncan
Annabel Heery
Emma Hooppell
Hollie Mannering
Anna Parrett
Chloe Sheridan

President's Report

2015 SRC President's Report (docx 14 KB)

2016 SRC President's Report (docx 13 KB)

Upcoming Events

Friday, 25th August - Wear It Purple Day 2017


The Student Representative Council began in 1982, as an initiative by the Principal, Mr Keith Crossley, as a way of getting students more involved in the development of the school, and giving them a voice in the overall decision making. Under the guide of the first patron, Ms Mary Christensen, a Council of almost 50 students was created. Throughout the years, patrons have come and gone, students have been elected and re-elected.

The table below acknowledges the former members of the Executive Board of the Student Representative Council over the last 35 terms.

Year Patron President Vice President Secretary
1982 Mary Christensen currently unknown currently unknown currently unknown
1983 Mary Christensen Cameron Brett Andrea Bartasek currently unknown
1984 Mary Christensen Graeme Edgar Emma Willinck Noeline Young
1985 Deb Quinn Peter Boucquet Cecily Waterston Simone Harrison
1986 Deb Quinn currently unknown currently unknown currently unknown
1987 Deb Quinn &
Tanya Mortimer
currently unknown currently unknown currently unknown
1988 Tanya Mortimer Tasha Brown currently unknown currently unknown
1989 Tanya Mortimer &
Gay Murphy
David Tyrrell Andrew Cox Rachel Paterson
1990 Tanya Mortimer &
Gay Murphy
Claire Gordon Jacqui Duffy Cherie Earsman
1991 Wendy Grove Rohan Sharp Rhys Davies Katrina Blakemore
1992 Wendy Grove Neroli Butt Martin Smith Juanita Hoare
1993 Gay Murphy Natalie Strang Joanne Smith Rebecca Farrington
1994 Dian Madden Naomi Douglas Carolyn Gordon Cathy Russell
1995 Joyce McArthur &
Melissa Thompson
Renee Crossley Scott Norman Nicole Chettle
1996 Joyce McArthur &
Melissa Thompson
Julie Stratton Matt Beltran Ellen Jack
1997 Joyce McArthur &
Melissa Thompson
Melanie Jacob Richard Aplin Fiona Grove
1998 Joyce McArthur &
Melissa Thompson
Rebekah Donders Claire Jelbart Angela Browning
1999 Joyce McArthur Kate Beltran Claire Horsley Brent Walter
2000 Joyce McArthur Meg Purtell Stuart Austin Annabel Sawyer
2001 Guy Lewis Laura Klein-Boonschate William Schwarz Kyle Mackey
2002 Guy Lewis Andrea Miller Laura Miller Josh Evans
2003 Paul Orman Sophie Arnold Tristan Martin Amanda Rapsey
2004 Paul Orman Luke Hales Caitlin Stewart Naomi Arrowsmith
2005 David Barbara Tiffany Leahy Kate Harriss Yasmin Ameen
2006 Tracey Lee Kate Harriss Daniel Doherty Cassie Fenton
2007 Tracey Lee Emma Logan Casper Smith Zac Delaney
2008 Tracey Lee Katherine Barrett Jeff Johnson Claire Pagulayan
2009 Natalie Hill Annie Ryan Pip Robertson Melissa Bowling
2010 Natalie Hill Josh Myors Phillip Robbie Joshua Thurling
2011 Catherine Fisher Paige Hopkins Michael Johnston Sam Seaton
2012 Catherine Fisher Naseem Golshan Oliver Hunter Roksy Boglari
2013 Catherine Fisher Oliver Hunter Dylan Harris Joshua Midson
2014 Catherine Stevenson Dylan Harris Matthew Armstrong Roksy Boglari &
Taneesha Smith
2015 Lisa Higham Matthew Armstrong &
Elyse Hannan
Taneesha Smith &
Katelyn Byrns
Claudia McCulloch &
Lachlan Agnew
2016 Claire Chapman Matthew Armstrong Katelyn Byrns &
Elyse Hannan
Lachlan Agnew &
Taneesha Smith

SRC Resources:
Albury High School Student Representative Council Constitution (pdf 176 KB)