Albury High School

Ad Astra Per Aspera - To the Stars Through Troubled Ways


Albury High School is proud to boast one of the most comprehensive and balanced junior and senior curricula in NSW encompassing over 40 subjects in all the Mathematics, Science, Humanity, Creative Arts, Technology, Physical Education and Health fields. The school also offers a special focus on foreign languages, with studies offered in both French and Japanese across junior and senior schools.

Albury High is a proud embracer of all new technologies and commit to rolling out advancements in technology to further students’ learning.

Outside of its academic excellence, Albury High School is proud to have numerous facilities to enhance students learning.

Within the bounds of the campus:

  • A multi-purpose gymnasium, with facility to transform into an examination space, assembly area and dance studio.
  • A spacious indoor basketball arena, with a diverse array of facility to ensure maximum utilisation outside of sporting events.
  • Five computing rooms using IBM compatible machines, featuring a wide array of computer applications, tailored to specialised annexes including science data logging, languages, visual arts and industrial technology.
  • A computerised library with study areas and extensive resource collections.
  • Fit for purpose language laboratories equipped with oral/aural technology.
  • One hectare of farmland catering for poultry, citrus, livestock and horticulture studies.
  • A Performing Arts Centre for drama and music studies.
  • Seven science laboratories and preparation areas.
  • Nine specialist work rooms for the visual arts, woodwork, metalwork and technical drawing disciplines, including a dedicated ceramics room, dark room for print art and specialised engineering and design learning spaces.
  • Two fully equipped hospitality grade kitchens with gas and electric facilities
  • Two textile rooms, with up to date fibre arts facilities.
  • Two music rooms with a wide variety of musical instruments.
  • Audio-visual facilities throughout the school.
  • A school oval, with AFL style goal posts.
  • Four outdoor tennis courts, two basketball courts, and a futsal court.
  • A well-stocked 'health food' canteen.
  • A thorough and organised school archive, as well as several trophy cabinets, dedicated to showcasing the history of the school.
  • Landscaped school grounds and gardens, shade, and seating for students.

Albury High School is a proud supporter of alternative learning styles, and enjoys the following:

  • Links with Albury T.A.F.E.
  • Embedded technology throughout all facets of teaching and learning.
  • Stimulating challenges for talented students.
  • Support teachers for students with learning difficulties.
  • A wide variety of sports, both indoor and outdoor, social activities and excursions.
  • Opportunities to perform in various public education programs, including schools spectacular
  • Reward through effort with graduation ceremonies and other formal recognition schemes.

Albury High has a commitment to the wellbeing of its students, through various methods, including, but not limited to:

  • A caring and dedicated staff assisted by two school counsellors, careers adviser, learning support staff and student advisers for each year.
  • Strictly enforced discipline and uniform codes.
  • Extensive and frequent reporting of student progress to parents.
  • Health education and guidance lessons.
  • An active Student Representative Council.
  • A high degree of parental involvement through the P & C Association, Parent/Teacher evenings and curriculum information sessions.
  • A peer support program.
  • Leadership through senior Prefect body.
  • Extensive staff development programs to up-date qualifications.
  • Work experience opportunities available.

Above all, Albury High has a commitment to tradition, innovation and excellence and through the work of all staff, parents and citizens, its continued progress makes the school a pillar to not only the wider Albury community, but also to its student body.