A guide to year 11 2022 and the Higher School Certificate and year 12 2023
This handbook provides information on the HSC, for study in various strands, leading to a wide range of career choices. The information is provided so that students can discuss subject choices and make realistic decisions in terms of their hopes for the future, their interests and past performance and amount of time they are prepared to devote to study in Years 11 and 12.
For students not wishing to achieve an ATAR rank, there are many subjects aimed at assisting them to further gain the necessary skills to enter the workforce. A non-ATAR pattern of study does enable students to achieve an HSC or to receive a RoSA (Record of School Achievement) should they leave at any time prior to the completion of the HSC and have successfully completed their course requirements to that date.
Information booklet for students and parents - Year 11 2022 and Year 12 2023
Year 12 2022 course book
Information for students undertaking school delivered VET courses.
VET courses offer dual accreditation: students who successfully complete these courses will gain unit credit toward their Higher School Certificate (HSC) and will also receive a nationally recognised industry based qualification.
Information booklet for students and parents